World Swastika Rehabilitation Day on June 26

20 Jun, 2011
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World Swastika Rehabilitation Day (WOSRED) will be celebrated on June 26 through marches and informative events worldwide.

World Swastika Rehabilitation Day (WOSRED) will be celebrated on June 26 through marches and informative events worldwide.
WOSRED was launched last year by Rael, spiritual leader of the IRM, in order to educate people about the true meaning of peace and harmony of the swastika, this ancient symbol regretfully hijacked by the Nazis.
Raelians are often questioned about their symbol, in which a swastika intertwines with two overlapping triangles that form a six-pointed star. People, especially those of Jewish origin, obviously disturbed to see a swastika intertwined with a Star of David, change their perception when they’re told it was used for millennia and is still used today by many peaceful religious groups, especially in Asia.

On June 26, the organizers are expecting hundreds, or, hopefully, thousands of people to celebrate World Swastika Rehabilitation Day in the streets of Miami, Houston, San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York in the United States; in Vancouver and Toronto in Canada; in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth in Australia; in Zacatecas, Veracruz and Mexico City in Mexico; in Milan, Italy; Lyon, France; and Rotterdam, Holland.

The Proswastika group initiated by Rael now includes Buddhists and Hindus, who have used the swastika as a symbol since the very beginning of their religions.

“No one should be surprised to see the swastika as a revered symbol in most religious groups because it’s part of the symbol given to us by the human scientists from another planet who created us, the Elohim – those who are at the origin of all religions,” Brigitte Boisselier explains. “They gave the Raelian symbol to Rael when they met with him in 1973 (see, just as they gave it to all the prophets of the past. That’s why we can find traces of this symbol on every continent and in every culture, not only in Asia with the Buddhists and Hindus, but in America with the Native Americans and Aztecs; in Europe with the Celts and the Greeks; and even in Israel, where you can see it in some of the temples.”

Boisselier said it’s important for Raelians to rehabilitate this symbol given to us by our creators, since they not only brought it to us but explained what it means.

“They said it represents the infinity of time, a very important concept that is now essential to the Raelian philosophy,” she explained. “According to Rael, the universe is infinite in both space and time. It has always existed and will always exist.”

The problem, Boisselier said, is that our society wants to have a beginning and an end for everything, including the universe.

“That’s the reason for the big bang theory, which is now more and more contested by scientists,” she said. Already in 1973, the Elohim were telling us that there is no beginning to an infinite universe, and this concept of infinity is essential to grasp before we can continue to advance scientifically from where we are now. By promoting the swastika, we’re actually helping the world scientists who have a few minutes to share with us. They need to make this major paradigm shift to progress!”

Boisselier said Raelians also hope for progress in public understanding of the swastika.

“Last year, our Australian Raelian leader was arrested for holding an exhibit that illustrated the peaceful meaning of the swastika,” she said. “That incident proved more than ever how highly needed our present action is. Hopefully the Australian police have now learned the swastika’s true meaning and the Australian pro-swastika members will be able to convey their message without being harassed.”

For more information, see