While the United Nations Conference to negotiate a nuclear weapon ban leading towards their total elimination resumes today in New York, Rael renews his support to President Elayne Whyte Gomez and her mission to rally all nations to commit to the ban.

In an address today in front of hundreds of Raelians gathered for their annual Happiness Academy in Okinawa, Japan, Rael reminded the participants and all Raelians and non-Raelians who care for Humanity that the success of the UN negotiation for a total ban is essential and our responsibility. " If we are millions devoting just one minute meditation for peace, we can influence the decision makers to make it happen".

"Already thousands of Raelians are gathering in public places to encourage for and lead one minute meditations for peace" explains Brigitte Boisselier, PhD, spokesperson of the International Raelian Movement. " The US Raelian Movement has also taken the initiative to encourage for meditation in one of the busiest places in the world that is Times Square in New York City. Starting today, we hope that the visuals will inspire Time Square visitors to give a few seconds of their positive thoughts to help shape the future of Humanity."