Why is it that a large portion of the scientific community is hostile to the idea that we are being visited by extraterrestrials ....
Last week’s meeting at Harvard of more than 130 scientists, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and government officials, from five continents, to discuss the topic of creating genomes from scratch is probably the most important ‘Raelian news’ of the month.
Rael has expressed his approval to scientists who favor higher, rather than wider, cities as the world’s population continues to soar.
While the scientific community stirs with the announcement of discovering the so-called Higgs Boson particle with 99 percent certainty, Rael issued a statement today reminding scientists that finding one particle cannot be taken as the final explanation for the structure of the universe.
After an international scientific team studying neutrino particles in Italy found the CERN results about neutrinos traveling faster the speed of light to be incorrect, Rael pronounced their conclusion to be greatly biased in favor of prevailing theory.
In his original book published in 1974, right after his first encounter with those who created us, Rael stated that nothing is constant in the Universe.
A recent article by a team of Indiana University published on the Magazine 'Science' describes how the 1mm long water flea has 31,000 genes in her genome while human beings seem to have only 23,000.
“Today is an historical date,” declared Rael, leader of the International Raelian Movement, in a statement released this morning.
or end of fredom?
evidences are not too impressive