The docu-fiction, "Happiness Academy," a 70-minute feature film directed by Alain Della Negra and Kaori Kinoshita, has been presented in October 2016 in Bordeaux
Let's create an economy with machines and liberate humans.
Rael has awarded the rare title of Honorary Guide for Humanity to the English actor, writer and activist Stephen John Fry.
A recent decree by Germany's Catholic bishops states that people who opt out of a "church tax" should not be given sacraments and religious burials.
My name is Emma, I am a Raelian Guide in the UK and I am probably among the millions of women who have been raped and never reported it.
15 days into his hunger strike, French government admits his access to a nuclear plant was denied because of his religion
to protest discrimination against minorities in France.
Civil servant of FT/Orange now three days without food in front of Moselle Prefecture
On March 29th 2001, the police department of Neuchatel refused to the Swiss Raelian movement the authorization to put posters from April 2th to April 13th 2001 on the public locations reserved for associations, on the ground that these “posters are threatening morals“.