Kent Brownridge, general manager of Wenner Media, publisher of Rolling Stone Magazine, declined to run an advertisement for a new translation of the Bible aimed at young people, saying that they are not in the business of publishing advertising for religious messages.
Kent Brownridge, general manager of Wenner Media, publisher of Rolling Stone Magazine, declined to run an advertisement for a new translation of the Bible aimed at young people, saying that they are not in the business of publishing advertising for religious messages.
Rael congratulates him for his decision as young people have certainly enough exposures to god stories in the American education system.
In Switzerland, a DVD explaining how to become a catholic priest is distributed in schools.
Either priesthood is a job like any other and it should be denounced in front of the justice for its inaccessibility to women and homosexuals, either it stays a religious calling of which the promotion in a school environment is totally incompatible with secularity.
To compensate the discrimination towards female students as to those who will become homosexuals, the Raelian Movement will sollicit the French schools of Switzerland to be able, in equality with the Catholic Church, to distribute a DVD containing:
- A recall of the « Human Rights » and the federal Constitution, notably on the seperation of the Church and State.
- A module for getting rid of guilt and the rehabilitation of homosexuality.
- A presentation on the theme “God is misogynist and macho”.
- A presentation on what a Raelian Guide is.
The Raelian Movement asks it smembers to educate their children giving them access to the foundation of all religions and to atheism as well so that they can choose their philosophy being given the full spectrum of what is available.