see is a U.S.-based organization that claims that women have the same constitutional right to go bare-chested in public as men. What's more, the group is encouraging women nationwide to rally bare-chested in public on Aug. 23, the date selected for the organization's "National Protest Day."
"As long as men can go topless, women should have a same and equal right," said Rael, spiritual leader of the International Raelian Movement and founder of "Otherwise, men should also be forced to wear something that hides their chests."
Raelians consider a National Protest Day necessary because women who go topless in U.S. public places are currently arrested, fined, humiliated and treated as criminals.
Women should go topless and rally publicly in great numbers on August 23 to protest that despicable treatment and exercise their rights. “All women are encouraged to join us at these rallies with their peaceful femininity and unshakable determination, in order to protest this gross inequality in the law” says Nadine Gary, who leads the movement – on the picture during a disrobing ceremony with a few friends in LA 2 years ago.
The women of demand that the right to go topless for women be recognized in accordance with the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and that all state laws be amended to reflect that right."
The Aug. 23 rallies will be held in a number of U.S. cities, including Washington, Los Angeles, Miami and New York. The New York City rally will be important even though it has been legal for women to go topless in public in New York since 1992. However, it will remind the women there to feel free and naturally exercise this fundamental right just as NY men do. This fundamental freedom permitted by the laws of their state that is still widely ignored by many. One way to update the public is to be part of National Protest Day.
Why August 23?
Back in 1970, Congress designated August 26 as Women's Equality Day to remind people of women's continuing efforts for equality. The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (giving women the right to vote) was finally ratified, after 72 years of effort, on August 26, 1920. The women of wanted to honor the Aug. 26 date, but moved it up three days to a Saturday so more women could take part in the rallies.
Challenging topless laws in the leading democracy in the world
US women may have won the right to vote years before European women did but today they are the ones who are penalized by American puritanical laws when it comes to the use of their body in public.
For instance, on June 27, 2008, Phoenix Feeley, 28, was arrested for topless sunbathing on a New Jersey beach and now faces a possible jail sentence. (This would simply be unheard of in France or in Spain for example!)
Like most state penal codes, New Jersey’s is at odds with portions of the U.S. Constitution, namely the 14th amendment.
Laws and “morality”
To counter equality rights for women’s topless-ness in public, people like Carla Wren, talk show host for WTVN in Columbus OH (a top free municipality), argue that men’s and women’s breasts don’t look the same. That is true. However, our constitution guarantees equal rights to all individuals regardless of their gender, color, etc…There is no exception for shape or size!
Another argument often used by conservatives is that the sight of a woman’s breasts “simply isn’t family friendly.” In Ashland, Ore, (another top-free municipality) a local committee refused to allow a woman to go topless in the town’s Independence Day parade this year, citing the fact that minors would be present.
So, one wonders how the majority of Western European children and adolescents cope each year when they see thousands of topless women on public beaches “None of them are suffering the least bit of emotional damage from that. Nor did Native Hawaiian or Native American children experience ill effects from observing female breasts – that is, until the Judeo-Christian colonizers shamed the women and forced them to cover their chests. That led to guilt and shame about their bodies – feelings previously unknown among these native peoples.” is adamant about denouncing not only the unconstitutionality of U.S. state laws against female topless-ness, but also their psychologically damaging effects. American children today – especially girls – suffer from puritanical values supported by unconstitutional laws. In April, Miley Cyrus said she was embarrassed by semi-topless art photos Annie Leibovitz took of her for Vanity Fair but an adolescent male celebrity appearing topless in a magazine experiences no sense of shame. On the contrary, he’s sure to be proud of it, with no need to apologize to his fans!”
Raelianism promoting
Raelianism explains that the women and men of the Earth were originally created artistically and scientifically by people like us called Elohim who came from another planet and who were mistaken for god (s). Rael teaches how essential it is for humans to embrace their whole being, mind and body, and shamelessly enjoy this ingenious biological design that the Elohim bestowed us, in order to live a balanced happy and peaceful life. Rael insists that women must finally be allowed and encouraged to intellectually and physically express themselves to the fullest in order to enshrine our ailing humanity in their sage and beneficent femininity.
Raelian Women: Feminist VS Feminine activism
Challenging the unconstitutionality of top free laws in an entire nation is no doubt a tall order for a group of women and has often been the type of challenges that feminists have undertaken in the past. In this world led by men, these relentless women leaders such as Alice Paul had to often act like man in order for their voices to be heard and their goals achieved. Today, male aggressiveness has led the world to use science for destructive purposes and to develop massive amounts of sophisticated weapons threatening our very survival. The only way to save us from this deadly path is to allow femininity to express itself in our societies as Rael explains. Women are genetically well endowed with this quality and must fully express it in their daily lives, professional lives and political struggles instead of suppressing it as feminist women were forced to do in the past centuries. Femininity is associated with inner and outer beauty, kindness, care, tact, compassion, humility, etc… and when combined with action and determination, it acquires its full potential and can indeed heal a violence ridden society.
Gotopless women’s goal
The women of Gotopless aim at putting an end to this nipple phobia – as the late George Carlin called it, thanks to the wisdom embodied in the U.S. Constitution. If women will just make the effort, public opinion will soon adapt to the change, as it always does. And that change will bring about a more balanced, healthy and happy U.S. population