In the city of Montpellier, France, a cultural center has launched a new school in order to reduce violence: the “school for good behavior” where you simply learn how to be polite.
In the city of Montpellier, France, a cultural center has launched a new school in order to reduce violence: the “school for good behavior” where you simply learn how to be polite.
Rael supports this new endeavor and declared today that it should be mandatory everywhere , especially in the USA and France. It doesn’t apply to Asia where it is natural, and that’s why the crime rate in Japan is the lowest of the world...
It is the best way to have less violence in the world, not only from individual but also from states. When you learn how to respect others and be ultra polite you are less prone to kill. Just learning young how to say \"please\" and \"thank you\" train you to respect other people. We are never too polite or too respectful! Sadly it almost became cultural in occidental macho world to be rude and aggressive with others. If it is culturally fashionable to be non polite, then the next step is that it becomes culturally fashionable to be disrespectful, then aggressive, then violent. We have so much to learn from Japanese education where every step of the communication with others is based on politeness and respect. And that \'s again why the crime rate in Japan is 1000 time lower than in USA and 300 times lower than in France !