Bishop of Durham close to the truth

12 Feb, 2008
 None    Philosophy

Heaven is here on Earth, in our own body.

Stairway To Heaven2 The article "Christians Wrong About Heaven, Says Bishop" by David Van Biema, published in Time magazine this week, provides an interesting perspective on Heaven by Tom Wright, Bishop of Durham and senior cleric in the Church of England. This famous Anglican theologian is reported saying that at no point in the Bible, heaven is described as the place where your soul will go without your body. According to him, the New Testament says that when 'Christ does return, the dead will experience a whole new life: not just our soul, but our bodies..”, hinting that it will be our own bodies and personality, recreated here on Earth.

He also quotes and supports John Polkinghorne, a physicist and a priest, who explained it this way: "God will download our software onto his hardware until the time he gives us new hardware to run the software again for ourselves."

Rael declared today: “this is not so far from the truth, here is finally a Christian Bishop coming close to the truth”

The Raelian philosophy states that not only we have been created by scientists from another planet but also that these scientists have the technology to recreate themselves or any living entity thanks to an advanced cloning technology.
Rael explains in his book “Yes to Human Cloning” that soon we will be able to not only clone ourselves and recreate a full grown up bodies but also download our memory and personality in a computer and later on, transfer it directly into the young body that we just cloned from ourselves. “It is jut a matter of inserting the software into the hardware and we then wake up in a young body with all our memories and personality intact, ready to live another cycle of life. This process can be repeated indefinitely, moving from one cloned body of ourselves to another new cloned body.” This is why Raelians have been advocating cloning as the key to eternal life.

Rael added “The Bishop of Durham is also right when he reminds everybody of the intermediary Greek translation, adaptation and betrayal of the original Message...”
In the original explanation given to Rael by the Scientists who created us and reported in his early book ‘Intelligent Design’, they go at length through all the misinterpretations of the Bible. One of them that has been confirmed by many scholars concerns their real name, Elohim, a Hebrew word that is plural and means ‘those who came from sky’ which has been wrongly translated into the single word God, transforming the atheist book that is the Bible into a monotheist one.
Through centuries, scholars have outlined this obvious discrepancy but Christians have so far preferred to ignore it.
Hopefully Bishop Wright will give Christians enough food for thought so that they stop believing in their actual fairy tale and start to see the real purpose of their existence: To grow in knowledge, happiness and consciousness in order to become equal to the gods who created us and who want to come and visit us, when we are ready.

You may read the Time's article following this link