Michele Pernoud, leader for the US central region, reports about their recent 1 Minute for Peace meditation in Houston, TX:
Upendra Singh, regional Guide for the northeastern US, reports about the protests in front of the Gabon diplomatic missions in Washington DC and New York City:
Donna Newman, Guide for southeast USA, reports:
The Raelian members of ARAMIS, the Raelian association of sexual minorities, offered their support to the "Kisses Against Homophobia" event organized by the Homosexual Movement of Lima who welcomed their noticeable banners stating "A kiss is love, live your freedom" and "A kiss is peace, live your freedom"
Frank Caballero, Guide for Mexico City, reports:
Frank Caballero, Guide of Mexico City, tells us about the most recent "1 minute for peace' action in Morelia, Michoacán:
The city of San Francisco recently passed a ban on public nudity.
Rael welcomed the announced end of printing of Newsweek magazine as 'very good news'.
A recent decree by Germany's Catholic bishops states that people who opt out of a "church tax" should not be given sacraments and religious burials.
The controversy over Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen’s astonishing gold medal performance during the Olympics has unleashed a new line of concern for the public...