Infant baptism has sparked intense debate, particularly regarding individual rights and autonomy. Critics argue that baptizing infants infringes upon a child’s fundamental human rights by imposing lifelong religious affiliations without their consent.
Even an untrained eye can see the increasing fervor of Christian conservatives in the United States.
A text by Katherine Brown submitted for the "Writing for Peace" contest organized by the Salt Lake Community College. Her text was selected by the jury and is included in the anthology.
As the new series broadcast worldwide on Rael ranks number one among watched series and the media frenzy picks up, it is important to recall the facts and the truth about certain points mentioned.
The Eye of Cain
Peace plan proposed in 2015
Charly Urso
By Felix Clairvoyant, Ph.D.
Felix Clairvoyant, Ph.D.
The subject of UFOs is finally getting serious treatment from mainstream media and the American Congress.